English as a Second Language     


“When providing English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, school boards should recognize that an ESL program is transitional in nature. Its function is to facilitate the integration of the student into the regular school program at the earliest possible opportunity."   

                                  (Alberta Education Policy 1.5.1, 2003)             




    This website provides information, support, and resources for teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL) learners who recently immigrated to Canada, or for those whose primary language is not English. Given the continuing growth of culturally diverse populations and newcomers to Canada, school boards have gradually seen an increase of English as a Second Language learners who require educational support. As a result, these students enter the school system with unique linguistic, educational, and sociocultural needs.


Who are English as a Second Language Learners?


    English as a Second Language (ESL) learners are individuals who come from a variety of cultural backgrounds. They bring with them a variety of educational, social, and personal experiences. ESL students are those who have first learned to read, write, and/or speak a language other than English and have a level of English language proficiency that precludes them from full participation in the learning experiences.


ESL Students can either be:  
Canadian-born Foreign-born
  • First Nations
  • Francophones                
  • Mennonites                    
  • Canadian-born children of immigrants
  • Recently arrived immigrants
  • Refugees
  • Fee-paying and funded international vida student