The Acculturation Process

    ESL students come from widely differing backgrounds. Even among students from the same culture, there may be great differences in background and ability. Consequently, it is impossible to generalize about immigrants from a particular country or to predict which immigrant students will adjust most readily to Canadian society. It is acknowledged, however, that all or most newcomers experience a period of cultural adjustment. Four stages have been identified in this period of adjustment including, initial enthusiasm, culture shock, recovery, and integration.


During the first stage, initial enthusiasm, newcomers may:

  • Feel excitement, idealism, and eagerness
  • Have some anxiety about the future
  • Feel optimistic about new opportunities and the new country


During the second stage, culture shock, newcomers may:

  • Experience confusion, misunderstandings, and anxiety
  • See themselves as “observers”
  • Feel isolated and depressed
  • Demonstrate withdrawal, alienation, and aggressive behaviour
  • Avoid contact with the mainstream culture or community


During the third stage, recovery, newcomers may:

  • Have more constructive attitudes and feel less anxious
  • Speak better English and understand more
  • Try new behaviours and test limits


During the fourth stage, integration, new comers may:

  • Feel that their emotional equilibrium is restored
  • Show humor and trust
  • Be able to value both old and new cultures


    The rate at which individuals experience the acculturation process varies greatly. Some students may experience elements of different stages at the same time; some may remain in one stage for an extended period of time or may repeat characteristics associated with an earlier stage if the process has been interrupted. All students however, generally find it easier to learn English if they receive support while going through the acculturation process.

(Ministry of Education, English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2001)