Maintenance of the Students' First Language
"Culture is...the integrated pattern of human behaviour that includes thoughts, communication, action, customs, beliefs, values, and instructions of a racial, ethnic, religious, or social group."
(Hanley, 1999, pp. 9-10)
Students benefit academically, socially, and emotionally when they are encouraged to develop and maintain proficiency in their first language while they are learning English. Provided there are no learning exceptionalities, language skills and conceptual knowledge are readily transferable from one language to another. The first language provides a foundation for developing proficiency in additional languages, serves as a basis for emotional development, and provides a vital link with the student’s family and cultural background. A strong foundation in the first language can also help students to:
- Develop problem-solving skills
- Develop mental flexibility
- Communicate with family members
- Experience a sense of cultural stability and continuity
- Understand cultural and family values
- Develop awareness of global issues
- Expand their career opportunities
(Minisitry of Education, English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2001)
"Cultural competence [is] the ability to work effectively across cultures in a way that acknowledges and respects the culture of the person or organization being served."
( Hanley, 1999, pp. 9-10)