Promoting an Inclusive and Supportive School Environment


    It is important for ESL students to learn in a welcoming and educational environment. Teachers and all other school staff can use any of these following suggestions to ensure that all ESL students are comfortable and learning in an inclusive and supportive school environment. 

  • Have visual images that represent all students posted in the classroom and around the school
  • Hang signs and announcements communicated in the languages of the school community
  • Recruit bilingual volunteers
  • Acknowledge the different cultural and faith celebrations
  • ESL staff can collaborate together to implement and plan lessons
  • Have ESL resources available to all teachers
  • Allocate a budget to buy inclusive curriculum purchases

(Ministry of Education, English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2001)

How Schools Can Support ESL Students and Families

Schools and teachers should:

  • Welcome ESL students and their parents
  • Answer their questions
  • Tour the school with the students and their parents
  • Speak clearly and at a natural speed in order for them to comprehend
  • Invite the parents to come and watch a class
  • Become aware of their cultural holidays and customs that might influence their participation in activities at school
  • Rewrite information regarding school meetings and events in a level of English they will understand or translate the information for them

(Alberta Education, 2007)